Werner Brandes

Was old dr. Saunders doc from love boat? Or have I gone crazy?

When are they going to get the the damm cracker factory?
I told the tv to fuck off when I saw Stella at the end. I no longer care who the mother is. I just want Lily back on this show.

I think the reason it didn't survive was that other show about high school in the late 70's that started at around the same time. Only one of them could survive. Same thing with 30 Rock and studio something on the sunset something.

Sneering underworld kingpin Norm MacDonald

It really is satisfying so see an F, except it just makes me want to see this turd-sandwich.

"A new comedy's been born" I love it.

I've never watched this show before. It always reminds me of the worst part about traveling, but I may have to start watching to see those sweet blue sweaters in action.

I don't know about movies being made of the Thursday Next books. I think I would be happy with just more books. Cause you know the movies could just totally suck.

Yes. Yes he has.