Nick Norton

I caught a special thanks to Alex Ross in the credits. Wonder what he did.

Just want to point out that your first point is for union and subscription orchestras. A lot of new ones (wild Up, Alarm Will Sound, SIGNAL, even ICE sometimes) are going with more of a turn-on-a-dime, single concert model. Seems to be working.

You're usually right, but not always. Overture -> Concerto -> Symphony = donor concert, subscription package. Big concertos get used at the end more and more often now. Brahms Violin Concerto often goes last, as does his double concerto. I've seen Tchaik Piano 1 last a couple times too….

Dudamel does get that kind of celebrity attention sometimes here in LA. At least he did in his first season. And Rodrigo is blatantly based on him - the line about pulling blood out of your instruments is something the dude says to strings all the time. And there sure was a lot of talk about his hair when he started,

Yeah I was being a bit broad there I suppose. Should've said "I think the Claimers were inspired by the Hunters." Seemed like it to me at least.

Did y'all know that the first letter of every word in House of Leaves' Whalestone Letters spell out yet another narrative?

I totally second everything this comment says. They kinda understood the "make art" side of music, rather than treating it like a sport like a lot of bands in whatever genre we're talking about here.

Dammit I'm new here and put this in the wrong place. How does one delete a comment?

@avclub-6422e3b9b5a4d5582042acbf6096cb8d:disqus   I still listen to The Satellite Years from time to time. I've moved away from the genre/sound pretty completely, but The Bending still gets me every time I hear it.
It's more of a hardcore/post-hardcore/metalcore record, but Poison The Well's The Opposite of December

@avclub-6422e3b9b5a4d5582042acbf6096cb8d:disqus  I still listen to that record from time to time. I've moved away from the genre/sound pretty completely, but The Bending still gets me every time I hear it.
It's more of a hardcore/post-hardcore/metalcore record, but Poison The Well's The Opposite of December still holds

Thank you for noting the Mass Effect-y art direction. I mean…those were Reapers, right?