
am I like dumb or shouldn't this mean Avery should get a new trial? I mean, since Dassey's wasn't valid, and it was evidence.

hate when the avclub makes fun of kanye

how does he remember every time

you'd think there would be a single AVclub writer who just unambiguously hates the prequels. unless there is some sort of…. corporate mandate?

if revenge of the sith makes return of the jedi look better by comparison, then why is it ranked above jedi in the final list

way to put the last shot of the main character of the show on the front page of your website - thanks avclub. glad I avoided this website until I'd seen the finale, I'd be real disappointed to have seen that picture beforehand

just started watching these shows and I don't think I want to read even these reviews to be honest - I didn't know wilson fisk was the 'big bad' or that he was tortured, I don't know how the show will deal with the stylized violence on a thematic level. Aside from plot spoilers it would be nice if the writers didn't

gunther appearing in the dream-body instead of penguin body is proof that the dreams can be metaphorical?

community has totally lost it's 'elasticity' of tone. it's weird - that was the whole reason the show had to be a single camera sitcom in the first place, it was so direction driven because they could retool it for anything. remember troy's 21st birthday, or when abed did my dinner with andre? those weren't

fear and loathing at the AMC

what about drugs

could you really not fit "kendrick lamar" into the title or even body of this article I honestly thought it was going to be a joke when I clicked it. considering there are only four actual headliners…

again a music review on this website feels like it was written to read as a catchy definitive blurb rather than to convey any sort of honest experience…

too bad the album of the year came out a week after this was published

it's been brought up in the comments already but yeah ellen and ben are real people and they are prob not going to get back together

the minutemen weren't known for earnestness? coulda fooled me

Surfer Rosa [4AD/Rough Trade, 1988]
By general consensus the Amerindie find of the year, and I'll say this for them: they're OK. Aurally articulate but certainly not clean, much less neat, with guitar riffs you actually notice and a strong beat that doesn't owe any subgenre. Feature a woman as equal partner—no

could somebody please post the content of gunn's post, I live in china and cannot access a facebook link