Pootie Tang

I'm gon' sine yo kitty on the sepatime. Yeah…

Uh……….That…..That's a canapan t-to the shama cow?

Naw, my damie. That's a canapan to the shama cow.

Well, I can't say the nay-no, my brother. Capachow.

Pootie Tang had flittie tai, my tellie.

Ha, yeah…

Cosby, you a shamy day. I'm a Baino Denny, and that's a canapan to the sema chai.

Ranacan, my damie. That's a bata shane.

Naw, my damie. That's a wa da tai to the sama cow.

I'm steppin' on to the biddies. I'm campin' down to the sema tai. But don't say I'm say mo tellie.

May I dane on the cherries mama di?
That's netatai baddy, my dillie. Sa da tay!

That cutti stai beat was bullshit, ha ha. I was just down there, you know…tynin the cloa. Cole me down on the panni stai, my damie. Sepatown.

Rown on the crowny town, my damie, and you a cam chang leepa sank tone. Capachow.

The cammietown's a biddie… (puts on sunglasses)…on the panni stai.

I'm a pone toni. Got my dillies on the peppatain.

She's a tine tippity.
The cammietown's a biddie on the panni stai.