Fookin Prawn

I agree with the original post, I am very happy that the A.V. club did this Gateway to Geekery. I've wanted to get into Lovecraft for years, but I never knew where to start.

The real question I want answered: If I think the first one was amazing, will I think this one is amazing? I enjoy a lot of stuff about the first one, so I just want to know if they tried to bring back jokes and crap and made it retarded, or if there is original plot (meaning not a rehash of the first) and its just

Not gonna lie, I saw Johnny Deeps post started with "I am Irish", and assumed it would be full of anger and fail.

Haha! Some people react differently to thing than I do! LOSERS! PUSSIES ALL OF YA!

I think I'm justified in insulting someone who claims that kids should be almost perfect, and if they aren't, DIVORCE.

You sir, are what is wrong with the world. YOU are the reason the divorce rate is so high. YOU think that the whole world should cater to you, and that your kids have to be perfect. And if they aren't? Punish them, right? Because, why should YOU put effort into a relationship? You are the smart one here.

No one today remembers what it was like to be a child. They just want to shelter their children, and make sure nothing bad ever happens.

John Noble
I really did love his acting in this episode. I think all the people involved with this show are superb actors. I felt a bit moved when Olivia started crying about Charlie, and it seemed genuine. Peter is a very convincing character as well, always a bit light-hearted, always smiling as his father goes off

Speaking of the Observer, has anyone seen him lately? He WAS in every episode in S1, but I haven't seen him yet.

I was honestly a bit excited that Olivia failed to stop them from getting to the head. The last few episodes, it seemed like they were solving stuff JUST in time. This time, it seemed a bit more realistic, because the bad guys won in a sense, and we got to see that Fringe Division can't do everything.

Yeah, I am really getting tired of that. I want the people behind the show to trust us. We're not retarded, we recognize people and places.

ya, I know I shouldn't be such a nazi about it, and I know, reasonably, that everyone can't say that, but it just bugs me.

Haha, I don't know. It was very late when I wrote that. What I meant was that a lot of people think that they are too good/smart for genres like this one.

I disagree. Proof: Zombieland

They aren't TECHNICALLY zombies by the "they aren't the living dead" standard, but goddammit, who gives a crap? I bet the Zombie Nerd goes around correcting all of his friends who like 28 days later.

That final "Double Tap" when they ran over the zombies at the park was freaking hilarious. The audience I was with starting cheering.

I'm still wondering what this percieved "zombie craze" is, and why it's a bad thing. Number one, there aren't that many zombie movies, especially recently. I can think of about 5 (besides Romero's stuff). And maybe about 2 books, both by Max Brooks. If there is a "zombie craze" it's just barelt begun, so let's let it

The cameo is Van Halen. He's in the bowling alley. AAAAAAAAAND….he's a zombie.

Dodobird, you're completely right. Seeing it in a crowded theater is so much fun.

What's wrong with Jesse Eisenberg? He seems like a good actor, and he (i'm assuming) hasn't been typecast already like Michael Cera has.