
You know what, I thought this would be incredibly boring. But that video was charming.

What's the rule for people like "Richard the Lionheart"?
I couldn't remember his regnal number (Richard I), but didn't think "the Lionheart" would have been accepted. And would "the Lionhearted" have been accepted?

Far less fancy. I think the only power they hold is what goes on the signs on the bridges and tunnels.


It's the conceit the elevates Red Son above a lot of the goofier Elseworlds/What-Ifs. And it also allows for the amazing resolution of Luther's note.
Which is another reminder that the best Superman stories don't have problems that can be solved by punching. Especially if Superman is the villain.

Why don't you just put the whole Extended Universe in a bottle, DC?

The problem is you're looking at a Roomba and thinking, "How could this possibly become SkyNet?"
The question you should be asking is, "How few steps away from a Vonn-Neumann machine is this?"

So, had anyone ever heard of Anker before the Univision takeover?
Because, as far as I can tell, it was a brand invented for this "column."

I've never heard of that one. But I did see Ninja Assassin in the theater. I don't remember anything about it other than a lot of digital blood.

Lindsay Weir and Kim Kelly share a birthday? They really weren't that different after all.
I'd like to imagine they discovered that fact while on tour with The Dead, and it blew their minds.

Hearing Shepard Fairey and 4-letter word, my mind immediately went to OBEY.
Which immediately made me imagine if Brittany had said it, and how I can almost guarantee Trebek wouldn't get the connection and would give the sourest most confused look he can muster.

All this talk about the impending kinjapocalypse has been making me nostalgic.

I will continue to not get Tim & Eric.
Every time I see some of their work I get the impression it's an extremely detailed spoof of something I've never seen, but it turns out that it never existed and I am just baffled by what the joke is supposed to be.

I'm actually curious if the plot of the movie seemed less bizarre to a Chinese audience.

Not like us real nerds, who leaned over and stage-whispered an explanation of who Cosmo the dog is.

No, they live in the city of New York. There is no New York City.

That raises the question, if the concert were in Queens would she use the correct postal address (Long Island City, NY; Flushing, NY; etc.)?

Do you also have family being held hostage by Anker? Because that's the only explanations for constantly pushing this shit.

As a New Yorker with a car and a high level of Internet paranoia I don't use Uber.
But my understanding was it's not nearly as big a deal in NY as other cities, because NY requires all Uber drivers to carry the same TLC license as other livery drivers and the availability/density of yellow cabs is not nearly as low as