He is, and he is menacing.
He is, and he is menacing.
"I just assumed that the critic conflated Former and Latter."
I can understand Xavier, which was just so aggressively ugly and offputting, but Wonder Showzen was one of the few shows of my generation possessed with honest-to-goodness genius.
There's nothing "anti-" about this. It's just straight up humor.
"which he took the reins of after the initial director backed out"
Dimple Pinch.
Hey, that's a solid power-pop record, man!
Jarmusch seems more of the Club 57 type.
Fuck all y'all! Chipotle, alongside Papa Murphy's, is one of the few fast-food places I will gladly defend. Yeah, it's not real Mexican food. I don't always want real Mexican. Sometimes I just want a bowl of decent barbacoa within walking distance that I can order and eat in a 15 minute span.
Chipotle Radio: the only media outlet where a band like ESG can be overplayed…
Interestingly enough, I saw that sprawled across the side of their cups…
How quickly we forget Townsend Television…
Further enforcing my theory the Wonder Showzen is the great "silent" influence on much of today's TV comic sensibility.
What do you mean "another one"?!
I don't know. I kind have gotten to the point where I barely blame writers for crappy films. Most of time, decent writing gets re-written or focused-grouped into slop. OR the writer will cynically "under-perform" on purpose precisely so they don't have to watch something they cared about go through that process.
@avclub-808e22af6c33eea22608f30cef458844:disqus Like 15.
Wasn't there another unreleased album? "Open"?
Hot dog! It appears the demo tape was leaked by the now defunct UnheardMusic blog. Now to find an downloadable source…
Plus: Gilbert hitting on Strickland.
It wasn't even that. He didn't want the Dautrive name's fame to be attached to BBQ sauce, when it should be famous for his literary journal.