Bryan S

Does the movie end with the "twist" revelation that McAvoy was the one doing the hypnotizing all along? Having seen the trailer once, I know it's probably gonna happen, but whether it happens at the end or not will make all the difference on whether this movie's complete b.s. or not.

@avclub-81cbcd8744848b426dbca3af8f25cff0:disqus "Didn't the new spelling reforms eliminate the ß?"

Didn't they already try this on MTV?

Not a woman I usually consider attractive, but she was absolutely gorgeous throughout that episode.

Honestly, it has one of the funniest reaction shots in all of cinema:

Like Taxi Driver and Barry Lyndon and Eraserhead, this is a movie that doesn't get nearly enough credit for being absolutely hillarious. Honestly, I watch it mostly for the lulz at this point.

Not to mention his attempts to get molested during Season 1.

See also: William Wellman's fantastic gangster film, Hatchet Man. Starts off like any other stereotype-heavy Yellowface epic, but then Wellman starts messing with our expectations of said stereotypes. He even goes out of the way to cast actual Asians whenever you fell he could get away with it.

I'll just leave this here:

Sarah Polley was his first choice, and one of Harvey Weinstein's first casualties.


Great Film? Taxi Driver is a great film. Goodfellas is a great film. Mean Streets, Raging Bull, After Hours… all great films.

The same reason a few bad scenes can ruin a movie. The album is the work of art, not the song.

"This isn't E.M. Forster!"

I feel the complete opposite about High and Low: when I first saw it I was pensive when it started looking like it may be a chamber drama. But my favorite aspect is the way the film keeps expanding outwards not only in scope, but also geographically, starting locked in the "High" of the mansion, the "safe" insular

Thankfully not, but if people started treating Heinlein's book as a serious source for philosophical and political dogma, it would be at the very least as bad as what we get from Randians.

Well, yeah. As well it should have: the book's outlook is poisonous.

It loses some steam near the end, but Boxer's Omen is a masterpiece of cult-movie craziness. Too bad it got dumped by Image (who had to wrestle with the HK distributors just to get it out; it's still only out on VCD over there!)… this is the perfect sort of title that Drafthouse Films could have revived to mucho

That may be the case - although it belongs in better company than those two series which, for good or bad, are largely potboilers - but it pretty much takes up the same exact material and milieu (Post-Ramparts LAPD) as Training Day in a much more thoroughly complex and ambitious manner.

Revolution is a decent movie. It's not great, let alone a "lost masterpiece" the way Heaven's Gate (which it's always compared with) is. But what can you do? No one's really been able to pull off a decent Revolutionary War film. The closest I can think of is that really good 15 minute stretch in the middle of Drums