Bryan S

And there's certainly nothing complicated about it.

No. Not it's not. Invest that time in catching up with The Shield.

"No' ma'am. She… She gon' die like a dog!"

One of my favorite aspects of the film is the way that Barry's former life as a BNF skinhead is constantly evoked, but in a subtle way that never calls attention to itself. His eagerness to bomb a mosque and kill other Muslims is pretty clear indicator of that.

I liked Snow Dogs well enough, but I felt it was distasteful to have Cuba Gooding smile during his rape scene.

Your child could be splatted by a roboplegic wrongcock.


Fire Walk With Me is the closest David Lynch has gotten to directing a full-on horror film. Yes, even more so than Eraserhead

And I'll throw a shoutout for the underrated As Tears Go By. WKW tackling an old school not-quite-John Woo gangster film.

"I said two fingers, bitch!"

Is the argument though that documentaries should be more "entertaining"? I think it's more along the lines that people making documentary films need to start making films that use the full potential of the cinematic apparatus put at their disposal.

While I agree with the thrust of your argument, Tobias, I think you'd be remiss in making this argument without mention the rich history of the documentary genre, which use to wear its "movieness" on its sleeve. Perhaps its because we've become so obsessed in the last few decades with putting up a categorical barrier

I can't think of a more damming condemnation of the modern documentary than someone comparing them to academic texts.

Considering how it holds up against their last decade of films, I'd be okay with Scorsese and Schrader draining that well dry.

Two Lovers!


He's Asian, but not Asian-Asian…. You know, not Chopstick Asian, just "Rape-rape" Asian.

Gay Mark Twain? Make it happen, Shane Black!

You think the economy will have recovered by 2025? I envy your dick-faced naivete…

Didn't he sub before in the past. I distinctly remember this.