Clint Allen

As always, you're right, Mr. Cruise. Can I have more electric shocks now?

I just realized that Emma Watson Bush sounds like a member of the Bush family.

Google 'emma watson bush', that worked for me. It's not that great a shot, but the panties are nice.

I love a good muff, kempt or not.

However, we would need a couple of elephants to crap enough to cover those egos.

How stupid do you have to be…
…to not move out of the way when a dog standing next to you lifts its leg? Or is the dog a ninja and caught her by surprise?

Well…they DO have garlic bread and cheap sluts in Italy, right?

Sweet Jesus on a bun…the Lemur is right! May I die soon.

The reason Oprah is where and what she is
I grew up in a very small town in west Texas (25 people in my high school class). I have been observing the behavior of unintelligent, narrow-minded, superstitious, willfully ignorant people all my life, starting with my father.
Cut to today, when I'm older and far more

I agree with MelissaW. The Catholic Church has done more to further poverty in the world than any other institution in the past 1500 years, at least. All those third-world countries' people giving all the money they can to the church, and they keep on fucking to keep pumping out more needy people so the church can

Ok: this TV show is not Smurfy.

Exactly as you concluded, Spelling and Grammar Guy, I meant no offense toward you. Any offense generated was strictly aimed at the TV executives who don't give a rat's ass about grammar and spelling. Word, brother.

As you wish, you adorable pixie of cooking.

Good editors cost money. No-talent fame whores, on the other hand…

This is one of those Hater columns that makes me glad I don't own a TV. Thank you Amelie.

Is it male or female?

I think Lisa is way cute, and I would totally play my A-game on that, even if she is a Chefsbian.

Like I said, never seen the show, but I'm glad to know they at least make a nod to somebody other than whitie. Except with this latest batch.

Write your own column, tard.

Smells awfully white to me
I've never seen the show (and never will, fate be kind), but I have yet to see anyone associated with it who isn't white (or at least ambiguously so). Where's the blackness? Are they afraid a Chefnegro will start making Chocolate Salty Balls?
What about MexiChef, or Chef-fu?