Clint Allen

I'd assassinate him.

Thank you Amelie
For reminding me why I haven't had a TV in eight years. Let the me-flaming begin!

Masturbation is great, if done correctly.

Is it just my (wishful) imagination…
…or is the chick on the right in the Swingtown ad none other than the hottest pornstar ever…Gianna Michaels? I'd watch it just to see her. Although I bet she doesn't get nearly as naked in this show.

Hey I was wondering…
If Captain Reality would still bang Tyra Banks. Has anyone heard any news on this?

Boi Gringo, I "ain't frontin'" when I say no to that. Seeing that mannequin head would totally ruin my boner. She's like one of those ugly chicks that has a hot bod that you have to put a bag on their head to enjoy.

And never bring an Italian into an umbrella factory. Why does this sound like part of a Roberto Benigni joke?

People got no balls no more.

Sitcom writer?
In the '80s, no less. I don't think it was a coincidence that a CO-WORKER'S grandmother told him to get a different job. The co-worker was so desperate to get rid of him that they sent their dead after him.

He helped your aunt pre-amp her treble and bass frequencies? Must be a ghost thing.

They like sniffing ladies' underpants. Every time I hang out with them it's like visiting the Mexican fish market. That's why I have to bring extra tartar sauce.

Excellent point, George. My grandparents' ghosts would tell that fucker to get a real job.

Every time I see the word "Freudian" it makes me think of a band called "Freudian Cock". I've always loved that name.

I would have answered "Yes, there is a Patty in my life…the hamburger I'm going to have for lunch, bitch! Now get your stupid moustache off my show."

Psychics, Wicca, Christianity, Islam, etc…it's all bullshit.

According to Bruce Campbell, it's the spores in the air out there.

Damn internet gnomes stole my greater-than less than symbols.

So if DS1 DS1. Solve for X.

If you get a chance
check out the Penn & Teller Bullshit episode where they skewer this retard and others like him. May have even been the first episode. It's depressing knowing this idiot is still around. I'm going to talk to Heath Ledger about this.

Good god, you're right! If they hook up with Oprah, darkness will cover the land. We must throw them into an active volcano ASAP.