Dr. Crippen

You probably also think Sherman was a war criminal.

Ya got soft hands, been countin' money all yer life.

Jaws has aged amazingly well. There are only a few glaring anachronisms, nothing that takes you out of the story. And it's an age-old story: man vs super shark

Let he who did not enjoy seeing JLaws's butthole cast the first stone, I say! Harumph.

We'll shrug and keep on making the same old Simpson's references, probably.

Whenever he finds a rusty straight razor

Um, what about the greatest Rogue's Gallery member ever… The Penny Plunderer!

@starvt walker: pretty much.

@Psychic Anal Beads: He electrocutes himself. A Rancher is bitten by a rattlesnake, a dude in Lake Tahoe steps on a nail and dies of gangrene, a girl named Candace Swann falls off her bike and fractures her skull.

@Bitches Leave: The White is King's elemental Good force. Higher than the Turtle? Probably. The White is not ever really "personified", but is essentially the "anti-entropy" that keeps the macroverse from going to hell.

The "no great loss" doesn't get used for EVERY vignette. Just the EC Comics ones where some awful person who survived the flu dies through their own error (Christian fundie lady tries to shoot another survivor, gun blows up; Drug addict OD's on pure heroin; Vapid teen-mother goes into walk in freezer to gloat over her

No Ambiguity?
I see this complaint all the time about this novel, as well as the complaint about "the hand of god"…

Ok… the "Gangbang" sequence…

The key casting descision…
The most important casting decision is "Who plays Flagg?"

The underrated Yeardley…
I have to agree with the audio commentary on the DVD for this ep, Lisa's reading of "Dear… Log…" KILLS.

The boneyard of B-characters grows ever larger…
Two weeks ago we had the dreadfully brutal and sudden death of poor Manservant… Now, King Gorilla has shuffled off this mortal coil.

My best friend is dating Mark Hosler… she says she'll let him know!

Problem is…
The book is not REALLY a novel. Its a series of loosely connected stories. Or, hell, not even loosely. "There will Come Soft Rains" as awesome as it is, has no connection to the Mars stories at all. Others are like that, if I recall.

@ the people complaining about Ratatouille not being interesting to kids: Who said Pixar was making kids movies? I think, with The Incredible (maybe even Nemo) they crossed over into making movies for adults that they can take their kids to. That's what separates Pixar from the other CGI studios.

Second that. My other favorite show as a young kid was Benson. Because what 5 year old white kid in the suburbs ISN'T interested in the workingz of a fictional gubernatorial administration seen through the eyes of, and commented on by, a sassy black butler?