
so who would win?
Maureen McCormick or Tatum O'Neal?

I'm not big on Austinites, unless they are bearded, enjoy reading Vonnegut, and are hot for me. Right now that number is at about zero, so I'm casting the net wider; I mean, why not Chicago? There's an excellent buffer zone between San Anto and Chicago.

Did you try the Aphrodite drink? It's pretty nasty; there were some reps trying to shill it recently, and I gave my second can to a friend saying that it would turn him into Smoove.

Yummsh!, I wasn't going to push this, but it looks like the moment is at its crisis: who says I'm a woman?

I look better than the Monster Energy Drink ladies, and, more to the point, you'd actually have a chance with me. My myspace page says it all, except you can't see my face in the picture and the page is private. But you can see my ACL-fest-goin' tits.

What are you, The Sartorialist? Modell knows that the 90's are back this fall, and he's following suit.

MODELL you're hot. Whenever you come to San Antonio, you can rub your beard on me.

Paul's Boutique
. . . ride around town likea Raymond Burr.

I just gotta say that Spiritualized's set was the best hour-long jobbie I've ever seen. Just about everything I've wanted to see him play was on the list. And it was awesome.

Welsh *is* Gaelic. Just not Irish Gaeilic.

I'm totally with you, Danrimage. The first couple albums though I think are really amazing.

sean you lucky guy
to be interviewing J. Spaceman!!

it's really a toss-up
between this and Jury Duty.

I too heard the NPR interview, and thought that there was a slight disconnect when the head of the Special Olympics said that he wouldn't watch the film. It sounds to me as if, since he had tried to see the it but was unable, *didn't want to give his money to the makers of the film* by going to see it in the theater.

I first encountered PJ Harvey as a teenager and loved the rockers, but I noticed that her work didn't really resonate with me until quite recently (I'm in my early 30's). It's some pretty complex stuff emotionally.


apocalypse now
This reminds me of when I was ten and my dad sat me down to watch Apocalypse Now so that I could learn about war. A couple of years later I saw Blue Velvet.

a day without The Ramones?
Sorry, sir. For me, I die a little without The Clash.

Would a soul patch be as confusing?

*my* Brideshead
My favorite moment in the book is when Sebastian first takes Charles to Brideshead, and they're drinking the Champagne and eating strawberries under a tree.