
I'm not your bitch, bitch!

you're my kind of guy, mr. heller
I was so there in 92 with NME and Melody Maker, and I bought it all, too! Recently, I've been going back and giving some of the stuff a second try. I've found that Eugenius works after all.

What I'm waiting for
Fuck the New Kids; I will never be happy until Milli Vanilli reunites.

That reminds of this guy I dated: I complained about my arms being chubby and he looked deep into my eyes and said, "I love your chubby arms."

mallrats vs. chasing amy
I've noticed over the years that there are those folks who love Mallrats, and they ususally totally hate Chasing Amy. And indeed, there are those people who liked Chasing Amy but not Mallrats.

ice-nine is thinking about showing up to Emo's today. I saw Camera Obscura and The Wedding Present there, and heartily enjoyed both shows.

I respect Klosterman
because instead of sitting around and thinking that he really needs to write more . . . he actually does it. Whereas I post comments on message boards.

in academic circles
oh, how we would discuss: bell hooks.

favorite line
Physically the Roughest

Nobody's mentioned the song
I quite like it, but mostly I'm bummed I turned off Bon Iver to listen.

Democracy Now, godamnit!


isn't this assuming
that these folks understand the words to David Grey's "Babylon"?

the van
I need me a Noam Chomsky van!!!!

7th tree
I think that, to some extent, when a band explores new genres, sometimes some fans get turned off to what they liked in the beginning. I jumped on the Goldfrapp thing with Black Cherry and then went back and listened to Felt Mountain and totally loved it.

Wait— you don't like Ned's!? I retract my MSP reference, clumsy though it was!

You Little Baby Nothing, you!

No Carter the Unstoppable Sex Machine?!

Chemical Brothers have no solid idea about beats. I don't know any dj who seriously will play them. It's good pop, but even remixes of their songs aren't what I want.

I have "Life," and I gotta say that if people can't see the pictures of the band included and not figure out the irony and wit, they're really missing something. Camptacular!