
I'll always remember the pee-drinking man-fish line, probably for the rest of my life. And I've called people that, too. Stops 'em dead in their tracks.

Thank you!
Thank you MYOF, Nathan!!!!

This guy is way better looking.

Thank you all for your input. I realized what I was opening up when I asked the question but was hoping no one would run with it.

What's a GILF?

I borrowed Crash from a student who swore that the film was really socially important.

I'd agree: you're going to have to see the Wackness at some point.

I'm a huge Pinter fan, and nothing that I saw from the In Bruges trailer seemed remotely Pinterian.

I guess all I'm interested in
is whether Stranded is at all like Cannibal: The Musical.

Awesome! If this gets made, it should be awesome, or at the very least interesting if stoned.

It's funny to see how easily he cries.

close, personal ben affleck
We all need one!

Dropout, I agree to a certain extent, but the amount that I love/hate the MF songs that I love/hate is way out of proportion compared to how I feel about most bands.

1/3 of the album
This album is like all MF releases for me: I intensely love about 1/3 of it, and the rest doesn't really make as much of an impression on me. However, I think that the excellent songs are better than most bands' whole albums.

I love Popless!
Very much getting into this. Thanks, Noel!

I love Krug. It's my favorite Champagne.

Mah na mah na
This has been going through my head randomly for a couple of months. Thanks for clearing up all questions as to its provenance.

Not enough contrast to do that.

American Way of Birth by Jessica Mitford
This doc sounds a lot like the above book. Anybody read/seen both?

"Act 'like that Corky kid
from Life Goes On, only, you know, sexy.'"