JK Polk

He only cares about Ben Stiller.

Hipster fashion now makes people look attractive. American Apparel isn't hipster fashion, it's what the sorority girls think is hipster fashion. But the tee shirts are really comfortable and the hoodies are really warm.

Elephant and Chutes Too Narrow.

For One Week
Kanye has really produced some gems.

The favorite is the Keith Moon birthday party where the details are different depending on where you get them, the only consitancy is The Who was banned from the Holiday Inn for life.

Really Video Not Found? Because I was asking myself howdiditgetburned!

I love the sound of silencers.

Filming invoving the dark and evil nature of humanity, genital mutilation and and deep emotional trauma. Please do not aid the screaming actresses.

Filming ahead involving moody smoking, random bits of dancing and fantastically beautiful french women. Do not be alarmed.

The riots will be quelled by Creed. So it is written, so it shall be done.

Ghost Rider and the Curse of the werekitten.

She pretends that she is Janis Joplin, though she is not, in fact, someone who bathes regularly in vomit and soco.

It could also be a hilarious, not sexy but really kind of disturbing disaster.

All they do is talk about investment oppurtunites and bond prices. Except the costumes are kinda cool.

Yeah, I think most of my generation had a sexual awakening with Cry Me a River.

I made the best possible move for you given the circumstances.


I wish I was one of those backup dancers- what I wouldn't give to wear a shiny onesy and do the beer-drinking-robot.

You know if you put the lyrics from d.a.n.c.e over tik tok it sounds very much the same. Minus, of course, the backing music that makes the song good. I was never that big of an Uffie fan, but blatantly ripping off an already not that great artist is pretty ballsy. And seems to be working out disgustingly well for her.

Do you wear low rise jeans? Congratulations, you are wearing something created by Alexander Mcqueen. If you wear clothes, you are taking part is fashion. Fashion allows us to project facets of ourself to other people, it does all the things you say art should.
Also, advertising is contemporary art.