
There was, and supposedly they are THE MOST EVIL VAMPIRES EVER, even though I'm pretty sure we've met all of THE MOST EVIL VAMPIRES EVER at some point in the series.

Okay. And I suppose that while all the evil vampires in the Phoenix stone were released, none of them will be a problem in the future, right?

Right? Damon killed Ric in S3 because Ric told him to back off from Elena. Ric was essentially Elena's stepfather (EW HE'S MARRYING CAROLINE EW EW EW) and wanted to protect her. It's ridiculous that he became a posthumous Team Damon supporter.

I wonder how invites work in hospitals and mental hospitals. I know vamps regularly raid blood bag supplies and such, but it seems like they would need a member of the board or the Chief of Medicine or something to invite them in.

I feel like Freya has been largely wasted this season, too. She never has her own adventures. And I loved her last season!

Oscar was the only fun Heretic, but he was Asian, so of course he had to die.

If I were Damon, I would look at a mirror and masturbate forever.

That got a chuckle out of me as well. I like how a scene that would have played horrifically if it were, say, Kilgrave or Klaus, is played humorously when it involves Damon, that Adorable Scamp (TM).

Did the drunk driver go back into his body? Did Ambrose go into his body? Sorry if this was in the ep, but I was kind of playing Neko Atsume throughout.

"I am so happy that my former high school student will soon be contractually obligated to bone me occasionally!"

I imagine we'll find out in the penultimate episode or something. Probably just yet another ancient, desiccated vampire with SPECIAL POWERS. Next season's big bad. Or, worse, a BUNCH of ancient, desiccated vampires with SPECIAL POWERS.

You make good joke. When you die, I will freeze-dry your brain and snort it so I can make good joke, too.

"I don't need them to be sewed into my dresses."

Are we really calling Caroline a slut now? She was dating every guy she slept with apart from Klaus and Damon, not that it would matter if she wasn't.

This was one of my favorite episodes this season, apart from the pointless Matt cameo. I love the idea that something as basic as a bite can now kill the Originals. The fusion of science and magic here is much more compelling than it has ever been on TVD.

I also think she is going to stay away from the show for a while. She can wake up and make out with her ex-boyfriend awkwardly in the series finale, but that's it.

I think maybe people moved back in after Damon was locked up? I'm not sure. But man, it was SUPER pointless for Matt to be in that episode.

I thought that was what they were doing this season, goddammit! They just never followed through on the potential!

Pliers are really, really useful, but I don't need them to be sewed into my dresses.

Yes, olds do love to air out their junk and talk sportsball.