
Same, especially about the final Horcrux, which I think I figured out around book 4 or 5.

I remember them acting like it was a BIG DEAL that Voldemort and Snape could fly WITHOUT BROOMS in the last book. I couldn't understand why they would need brooms in the first place, when they were perfectly capable of making objects fly.

For sure— I hated him in book 5. But a big part of me wishes that she had played up that rebellious streak a bit more and made it an ASSET. Instead, he just did what Dumbledore, who wasn't exactly above reproach himself, told him to do, and won out of pure obedience. Stuff like that keeps HP from being great.

"Ron Weasley" sounds sturdy, trustworthy, and heroic?

When I worked with troubled kids, this song was banned because it was a full-blown trigger for a lot of them.

I've had people argue with me that my cell phone number, which I've had for like 10 years, is really the number of their daughter, that I must be their daughter, or I'm hiding her. NO.


Fine, fine, I'll bring tissues. Email me, though— it's the same name at gmail.

If you'll be around, m'love. I'm not sure when I'll be there yet. In negotiations with my friend.

Dear Savage Dik,

I used to have a number similar to some kind of customer service line, except with an 808 area code instead of 800. As a result, I'd always get woken up at 3 in the morning by people calling at 8 or 9 their time. It was awful. I called back and bitched a guy out for being unable to distinguish between an 8 and a 0

Right? I'm really grossed out by how many of the commenters here don't seem to realize how fundamentally WRONG that scene was.

He has done way funnier bits on religion. That one struck me as mediocre, too. We can't really disprove anything, just from a logical standpoint. It is quite possible to prove something exists, especially if it's a tangible, physical thing, but they set up God to be undetectable except through It's actions, so there

Based on some of the comments, sadly, there are some who definitely read it as a triumph, and also not an attempted rape.

It was an attempted rape. He was ripping her shirt off and physically overpowering her. The rape survivors I know don't shut off their empathy because a woman was kissed instead of raped. What the fuck is this comment?

Why, because most rape survivors knew their attackers, so he was just complying with the statistics?

It was so scary that I felt it should come with a trigger warning. The worst part is that it is VERY true to life.

Ah. I was waiting for the inevitable "Let's defend the indefensible" thread. Here it is.

Yeah, and Pamela is usually able to subdue him with her wit and general meanness. He rendered this hilarious, no-bullshit, intimidating woman virtually powerless, which made it all the more jarring.

The thing is I'm not convinced he just wanted a kiss. He was trying to pull her shirt off. I think he settled for a kiss when she reached the door.