
I was hoping we'd get Dark Bonnie last season and that she'd turn into the Big Bad at some point. For all the shit that's happened to her, the only time Bonnie has gotten to do something terrible of her own volition was . . . never?

She's a doppelganger, but Klaus presumably couldn't use her blood to make more hybrids, so I'm not sure why her blood counts as doppelganger blood for this spell. Doppelganger blood works because the doppelgangers keep reappearing, but their line ended tonight. Each spell is supposed to have a permanent loophole, but

Also, since the spell is bound by the blood of 3 doppelgangers, how was it impacted by Amara's death? How will it be impacted if Katherine and Elena die? Presumably, since Amara and Silas are dead, there will be no more doppelgangers. Does their blood have the same binding power when their line ceases to exist?

Someday, I'd love to learn how ghosts suddenly get fully-formed bodies that bleed and have functional nervous systems. I'm sure the answer would make me very, very angry.

That's pretty true, I guess, though they have a lot of plots swirling around. I guess if I had to choose the main ones it would be, arguably

It gets worse. Apparently, Klaus is returning to MF for some reason. Would have been the perfect time to feed him the cure, but NOOOOOOOOO.

She said she saw her Grams sometimes, and she did see Matt that time he died. Of course, she won't see anyone I actually WANT to see (ahem, Alaric, ahem) because plot/contract.

I thought it would be something profoundly bad, like, "the true immortals are dead, so their doppelgangers will slowly cease to exist," but Elena and Katherine seem fine. I think Stefan just has a bad case of the dramas.

Yeah, we haven't really had a hammy villain since Damon. Remember when he was fun and killed everyone? Those were the days.

Considering Alaric was basically Jeremy's father figure for a good part of S3, I imagine he's kind of hurt that Jeremy NEVER tries to contact him.

It just occurred to me that Amara died with the cure in her veins and nobody wanted to capitalize on it.

1. How does it make sense to make a witch the anchor? Bonnie might be able to slow down her aging (though I don't see why she would want to, given the whole "all dead supernaturals pass through her" thing), but she will die eventually. And given how frequently people die on this show, I'd say this is the least viable

1. I was getting dizzy! And yes, Orphan Black treats it like it's completely normal to have the same actress sit next to two different versions of herself. They've never done circular cameras during spell scenes before; why start now when they finally got 3 Dobrevs in one shot?

Yeah, she healed instantly and Silas still had a wound on his neck. They are getting SO sloppy.

What about the part where he jumps head-first into a magnet and all of the sudden square chunks of colorful metal start flying at him?

But can I pay $2,000 to fast-forward for like 10 seconds?

I'm just hoping they don't ruin the magic that is Journey.

Even an artichoke has a heart!

I think Matt, Elena and Bonnie cared about him, but not enough to stop trying to kill Klaus at the end of S3. The Brothers Salvatore certainly can't be bothered.

Or the 30-year-old with tenure!