
I can't stand that. Anyone who doesn't read during a trailer isn't going to read during a movie.

Anyone who doesn't cry during that movie is a fucking robot who must be terminated.

Yeah, I'd get tired and start hating my friends. Also, after a while movies just stop being scary. I'd do 8 hours, max.

Watch The Immigrant to find out!

The internet is like Cookie Monster, but for boobs.

BOTH of them!

I recommend watching this, Pan's Labyrinth and The Devil's Backbone on the same night, assuming you are, like, the kind of weirdo who can watch several movies in a row. Weirdo.

Who doesn't?

This fall, sexy immigrants are the new sexy vampires. Watch as Twilight thrusts forth in a sex-on collision with The Piano and also Marion Cotillard probably shows her boobies. BOOBIES!

It's just pure fun. It's impossible to hate. Goodness knows I've tried.

Fun story: in order to make Great Expectations seem more relevant, my professor compared Pip's infatuation with "She's So High" . . . in 2004.

Eat ice cream instead. Tastes just as good on the way up as it does on the way down.

WINCEST makes the girls' gineys tingle.

THEY were nominated for a Grammy? Who let this happen?

Do I even want to know which one that is?

Username/comment synergy has reached Level 7.

Ugh, I used to hate Vertical Horizon and my roommate LOVED them. That song "he's every thing you want, he's everything you need" was just unbearable in its shittiness.