
Also, Stefan knew that Bonnie was dead, but he didn't bother mentioning it to Damon pre-brain frying. Why would he? It's only his ex-girlfriend's best friend.

I thought people were fixated on it because he keeps getting into public, violent altercations. I mean, Tommy Lee went to prison for beating up Pam Anderson and got into a fair share of incidents afterwards, but the press was a completely different creature back then. I think that famous, young, drugged-out white

No, but if they were, I'm sure Chris would accuse Kaufman's dried out corpse of gay shit, then proceed to beat the dust out of him.

The thought of him chowing down on a rotting seagull and, you know, HIS OWN BODY is making me happier than anything else I've heard today.

If you punch Chris Brown, I guarantee a lot of ladies will like you a lot more.

In case you aren't trolling, I'd love to know who you think is excusing misogyny because of class-based guilt.

I'm not sure they'd be able to arrest the guy. He wouldn't be able to hear his Miranda rights over all the cheering.

Especially considering how easily she found Matt. You'd think she'd find Alaric or hang out with her Grams the whole time, but NOOOO, the budget doesn't allow for it.

I had the same thought! I also couldn't believe how similar S3 of Teen Wolf was to S4 of TVD— mysterious sacrifices, ancient explanation for powerful witches, non-essential sibling dies and is magically brought back to life, weakest season of the series, and so on.

Ugh, I can't stand the thought of a scene between Klaus and Jesse. Morgan's too good of an actor to be thrown together with Mr. "I can't even convince the audience that I have real chemistry with Candice Accola."

Exactly. I'd even be happy to have Lexi show up out of Stefan-solidarity.

Yeah, but that meant I wasn't allowed to take my "black person is a witch" shot of the season. I guess I'll need to wait a few episodes.

After Damon forced her to turn her humanity off, when she and Stefan had already broken up? How is that relevant?

Again, she was not dating Stefan when she fell in love with Damon. She fell in love with Damon in S3 when she wasn't dating either of them, and when Stefan went out of his way several times to say he didn't want to be with her and didn't care about her. She was in love with both of them by the end of S3, but in S4,

3. I think it was that Tyler just walked in all stiff and awkward and they barely talk to each other. Of course, I'm more prone to annoyance regarding all things Tyler. I think he's one of the most underused members of the cast and I was hoping for an entry that had to do with HIS story rather than another character's

It does! Weird.

As for her being a jerk in S4, her humanity was off, and not of her own volition. If you aren't going to judge Stefan's actions when his humanity was off, I hardly see how you can judge Elena's.

And how was she supposed to know that at the time? He explained it afterwards, but that doesn't make it okay. All she knew at the time was that she was terrified and that someone she still loved was threatening to destroy her life.

I am REALLY trying to understand what you're trying to say, but your argument isn't very consistent. Here, you say, "when your screwing your ex's brother, you SHOULD take 100% of the blame," but above you said, "They were both responsible. They grew apart and fell out of love. Elena
WAS turned off by ripper stefan and

When did I advocate that she blame him entirely? I only said that she should make it clear that they didn't work as a couple and acknowledge that it is partially his fault. That combined with a reduced level of flirting would have sent an unambiguous message. Calling him "a perfect boyfriend" is an outright lie.