
And Beverly.

Who wants a Hannibal snack?

"I let you know me, see me."

The question is: at whom will she be aiming her gun?

I'm certain it's not the dogs.

Right? That felt like some pretty heavy foreshadowing…

"Has he ever tried to persuade you to kill someone? He will. It will be somebody you love and you will think it's the only choice you have."

"If you think you're about to catch Hannibal, it's because he wants you to think that"

That last scene between Freddie and Will struck me as a call back to the confrontation between Beverly Katz and Hannibal.

"This little piggy went 'EEEEEEEEEEE' all the way home."

"I'm not FBI. I'm Peter's friend."

…I'm pretty sure her name is Cathy and she works as a secretary.

Last week I mentioned the story' s symmetry with the tale of Peter and the Wolf. This seems to have carried over into this episode.

Stray observation (someone correct me if I'm wrong):

While watching this episode there was something about the music (perhaps the use of woodwinds) that reminded me of Peter and the Wolf - a symphony written for children. And Jack running after Chilton through the snowy woods was reminiscent of its classic portrayals.

"All you did was throw up an ear!"

Yes. And Kevin and John's relationship can be seen as mirroring this. John - buff, square-jawed sports medicine specialist - is immediately identified as a marriage material ( by Patrick's sister no less). No doubt anyone would say he's a catch. Yet, Kevin complains that he won't let him eat fried food, can't stand

This was an excellent episode. I think it was a potentially huge turning point for Patrick.