whatever happened to Moon Unit?
whatever happened to Moon Unit?
Brad Goodman
nice reference Sean!
Looks, and sounds like a ghoul from Fallout. I hope he becomes a recurring character.
RIP Michael Hutchence
the call sheet must have been hilarious for that role:
John Denver and The Muppets: A Christmas together
one of the most gratifying parts of Tombstone is seeing Val Kilmer stab Frank Stallone to death.
it's a lot like Stummies.
i'll say…shut up!…..DOLPHIN!
wrong porn sites? There's an oxymoron.
i'd again like to pitch the name "Broylezarro" for the B-World Broyles.
the only thing that i can remember from the single guy is an episode where Ernest Borgnine had to help jonathan silverman impress a girl by pretending to be JD Salinger.
oh shit, i did just spoil Of Mice and Men for everyone who never had 10th grade english class.
say what you will,
but i think this show makes Heroes look like Mad Men.
but sting's mystery partner will SHOCK the world, because he is none other than THE SHOCKMASTER!
yeah lenny,
there'll be rabbits
sorry everyone
TV has officially jumped the shark.
we need a name for alt-Broyles… how about Broyle-zarro?
Zeljko Ivanek
is usually the best part of any show he is in.
Last Action Hero
is totally underrated.