kenny powers better be eating his vitamins and saying his prayers BROTHER!!
kenny powers better be eating his vitamins and saying his prayers BROTHER!!
Pete's Father in law
who knew Clarissa's dad could be such a jerk?
Ken Cosgrove will wind up dead, wrapped in plastic.
i just want my kids back.
i hope your kid's play featuressomeone getting smashed in the face with the bottom of a wine bottle
i'm glad someone else remembered the fast motion
@Diagnosed, that would mean an actor who once played a frankenstein would now be a literal frankenstein!!
also, lets not forget about doing things in fast-motion. Everyone loves fast motion!
now the only TV Show on about catching crabs is Jersey Shore.
"…and a few others"
How do you leave out Happy? Best name ever for a vicious killer biker.
i hope
it was just business.
Food channel spin-off: SNOOKI'S COOKIES
I'll be able to watch the damn Polar Bear Sketch whenever I want!!!
don't worry Sean, they are just jealous of your…ASCERTENATION!
the steakhouse is fine…right???
Party Monster
It was pretty easy to laugh at Manson in "Party Monster" as Christina the transexual. Though, not as easy as it was to laugh at what Macaully Culkin and Seth Green call "acting"
i think that there were hints in the first season, but in season 2 it really felt like they retconned JT's death as being a road accident. Sure Gemma could have been lying to Jax, but it seemed sincere. Plus, do we really need a Hamlet parallell to make this legitimate?
The Catfish is Keyser Soze
the fucking soundtrack better at least have Red Right Hand on it.
I heard when the Star Wars BluRays come out, George Lucas is going to put Godric's head on Anakin Skywalker's body at the end of Return of The Jedi