
Its not fair that he's such a sexy man, while also being such a pretty girl when he wants. SHARE THE PRETTY, BOWIE.

"He makes me happy I play for both teams"
-Me, everyday


*pours baileys into cup of whiskey so people think its actually coffee*

Sexy drugs?

Only David Bowie can make getting arrested so damn sexy.

He's the newest cast member of Orange is the New Black

Who the fuck smiles during a mug shot?

I still have my PS2 and occaisionally power it up for that reason. There were just so many games for that console, will always be my favorite.

Resogun, Killzone, AC4, Contrast, and Don't Starve mostly.

I was pleasantly surprised at how good Contrast was, really inventive art design.

War Whores (alternatively Whore Horse)

The Pacifdick

AI: Artifical Intercourse

Indiana Jones and the Temple of Poon

Raiders of the Lost Ass

I sometimes miss the days of having to hand draw maps of dungeons to figure where the hell I was going.

Resogun is the perfect warm-up game. I've completed it on all but the hardest difficulty, where I think I am also at 3 of 5.

Well considering the console doesn't over heat and has a 500gb hard drive..I'm fine .

I don't might it as much for those games. In general, games that were going for a "realistic" look age horrible after 5 years or so. Deus Ex and System Shock 2 both look absolutely dreadful, it doesn't bother me but if those mods get more people to play I am all for it.