
I haven't watched SNL in years, and the article didn't really get it across to me, but why is this news?

Just a quick addition to your comment on "Bodies", I think it was his pained and almost violent delivery of those lyrics (especially near the end) that really resonated with me.

Man, that guy has a small face.

I don't want to go off on too much of a tangent here, but Michael Jackson was never convicted of "being a pedophile". He was accused, but found not guilty in a court of law.

I understand your point, but we are talking two different mediums. The books navigate this world one way, and the show another. Were this the only instance where the showrunners deviated from the books, comparisons would make more sense. However, since it is one of many, and a precedent has been set, at this point,

"There is absolutely no difference…"

We don't yet know what the point of the scene is within the show. I don't think it's necessary (or wise) to compare the books and the show at this point.

First of all, great name - I use Osiris sometimes whenever I am forced to create character names in Diablo and the like.

Thanks for replying, and I see where you are going with that; it makes a lot of sense. But this implies that the wedding would have never taken place - and your suggestion could, in the logic of the world Sansa exists in, have taken place. However, the wedding night came, and neither Sansa or Littlefinger knew it was

While I lament your banning from the site for something as trivial as that (assuming what you say is correct), I think speaking in absolutes is a bit narrow-minded, and it doesn't make your argument very palatable or your issues with the Mary Sue site that shocking.

I read the article as well, and while she makes good points as to why it wasn't necessary for Sansa to be raped, I too am confused by this. It wasn't made clear to me either.

Here is what I'd like to know - and I don't mean to be condescending in any manner: for those who say that rape is not necessary for the arc of Sansa Stark , what exactly would you have done to replace this?

I did actually! I tried finding the referenced .zip files of that CD-R from various questionable websites using my dad's virus-magnet of a PC, and they all were (obviously) shams. I tried audiogalaxy (</oldnerd>) and… *glances around for Lars*…Napster; as you can see, I never was able to get that mp3.

How do you think I learned what the title of the composition and its subsequent location were? Pulling it out of a hat? Wishing upon a star? Asking a nude yet exquisitely hairy homeless nun whilst in between raucous bouts of good to subpar coitus?

Nail on the proverbial head here. I know the Van Morrison song (which is heartbreakingly perfect for that last scene) - but the composition is actually called End Credits (hence why I capitalized it) on the Oscar promo (or at least on the listing I found for the Oscar promo a while back).

I have been looking for the End Credit song at the very end of Royal Tenenbaums for years, and besides almost acquiring it from the Oscar promo, I have yet to find it anywhere. And I swear to gosh, if somone finds that fucking song and gives me access to it, I will be forever in their debt.

While I second the great soundtracks of this past year, I must say the best way I have found to drown out the world? William Basinski's "The Disintegrating Loops I - IV".