Stephen King

"On its own, Death Proof actually verges on being Tarantino's most intellectually complex movie (and was until Inglourious Basterds came out). He does wonderful things with the image- its structure, its style, and its content- to suggest an explicit political/aesthetic theme."

You guys just can't let a day go by without bashing my epic!

This time, with more Wendigo?

You called?

Awesome even!

The third one will be awseome, just like the other two epics.

Oscar-winning Batman & Robin screenwriter Akiva Goldsman.
You'd think writing that POS would get someone blacklisted.

What a prime selection!

Haha, James Cameron makes the most successful movie of all time, takes a twelve-year break, comes back and promptly improves his record. Unbelievable.

It sure was awesome!

Fuck firsties. Time to grow up people.

Simpsons 20th season??
Did I miss something?

Yeah, and being forced to release new iterations in a limited amount of time can only can only be good for the end product. Right?

Yes, it was even crazier than my already crzay book.

Fuck all that, where's my Fright Night special edition?!?

Yeah, Chronicles wasn't that bad. And Twohy and Diesel are making a third one, so it must have done at least ok.

Avatar was pretty great, depsite the absence of any Indian burial grounds.