Mind seriously blown right there, my friend… but then, who lets their kids listen to your old flame babble on incessantly for this effin' long?
Mind seriously blown right there, my friend… but then, who lets their kids listen to your old flame babble on incessantly for this effin' long?
Couldn't you just change your screen name to Roman from Party Down and save us all some time by writing "someone to please call the wambulance because I'm not famous enough yet for this to work for me?!" And seriously, unions? Unions are gonna improve an industry based mostly on audience taste and a crapload of luck?…
But putting aside this glaringly obvious unreality is the key to enjoying HIMYM!
Regarding Robin's whole no-kids thing, I think the reason that the Symphony of Illumination episode was so powerful was because it sapped her of all the pride (albeit very tolerable from a comedic standpoint) she took in proclaiming for so many years that she never wanted to have kids. Suddenly she can't, and then the…
Ditto. It would be enjoyable to watch Barney be challenged by a girl with some wit equal to his own. While I didn't dislike Nora's plot, it was always a little wince-inducing to watch Barney morph into a super nice, i.e. not funny jackass, alter ago when he was with her.
Can we just start calling this show "How I Came To Hate Ted"? I'm at the point where I've begun to audibly groan every time Josh Radnor comes on the screen, and last night I wish I had the decency to throw a shoe at the screen and scream FUCK FUCK FUCKING fuuuuuuck, NOT AGAIN, NOT AGAIN! WE ALREADY KNOW SHE'S YOUR…
I foresee an episode involving Amy's drunk monkeys and Raj! But two secondary characters combined into an A-plot might be too much for Big Bang writers to handle *sigh*
I suppose, but it makes me like her that much more because it makes Howard recognize how much of a beta male he can be
Although I did enjoy the episode, I have begun to notice how integral the girls are to the better episodes. The boys + Penny plots start to feel like a flashback when they come up like last night's.
Bernadette's "He's gonna learn how to poop in space!" was the only line I think she had in this ep, but it still ended up being my favorite line of the night. On a related topic, does anyone know if NASA actually conducted this kind of training?
My thoughts exactly; I don't see a reason for why her infertility ever needs to be known outside of potentially getting married to Barney (or any other guy), and even then, what couple openly talks about a woman's infertility if she's not planning to have kids?
I think they just wanted to cut chase and show off how awesome Cobie Smulders is at pratfalling to respond to Barney wanting to be a Dad. Would you deny the pratfall was worth this feminine oversight?
Just like Ted and Marshall wandering around high at the concert while we also found out Barney slept with Robin, broke up with Nora, and almost romanced Robin with candles and flowers. Did anyone care about the sandwich plot?
That eggnog in the park scene, complete with Robin's 1,000 yard (or meter?) stare scene alone rivaled Marshall's "I'm not ready for this" for biggest emotional kick in the gut this show's given me over the series history
As a female who's experience one or two scares, it's not inconceivable to have the baby worry after a week's lateness, especially given how opposed Robin is to have kids. I *will* point out how ridiculous it is that a woman with her aversion to having children manages to have a birth control fail, but where would…
Maybe on a technicality, like adoption. If we interpret pole vaulting to mean naturally vaulting your own poles, then yeah, they could be setting us up on this one
Big question: Will the gang ever learn about her infertility? Given that all the other characters are aware of Robin's stance on kids, the writers could easily continue the show with only the audience being aware of her private pain.
Bingo, complete with mom reviews citing its apparent off-label post-birth usage