J. Walter Weatherman

Honorable mention to Chumbawamba, who openly encouraged those who couldn't afford their albums to steal them from record stores.

Honorable mention to Chumbawamba, who openly encouraged those who couldn't afford their albums to steal them from record stores.

The "Saved by the Bell" episode in which the gang camps out in the mall to score U2 tickets had better come up in this feature.

The "Saved by the Bell" episode in which the gang camps out in the mall to score U2 tickets had better come up in this feature.

If Jeffrey Tambor mated with a fridge
it would be named Elektro. And it would chase sex kittens in college.

that comforting voice
Sounds like Lawson suffers from Freemanic Paracusia

Jacques Cousteau could never get this low.

No love for the Morrissey Dance?

Nice teefers
Gondry sure was rough on your grill.

There should be a preface
by Zodiac Motherfucker.

I don't know about you guys….
but I'm going to celebrate by going out and buying $240 worth of puddin'!

Admiral Hoshi and President Lampkin
Did anyone else find those appointments strange? Sure, a lot of other stuff was going on in the finale, but I thought that was kind of funny. I think that Hoshi's "reputation" in the fleet only covered him being the least important named character who wasn't going on the mission.

Even though Spinal Tap was already listed….
the beautiful Mach piece "Lick My Love Pump" should surely be be included.

Gah, somebody else already pointed this out. Oh well.

Aphex Twin song title
The title of the Aphex Twin song, in classic Aphex style, is "Flim" rather than "Film." It's definitely one of my favorites, and this version with the vocal part is very nice too. I didn't know these were out there. She also has a vocal track for "Nannou" which, in keeping with the Valentine's