
I enjoy Supernatural quite a bit, but I'm not sure it's the kind of show that necessarily benefits from hundreds of words of critical analysis every week. Especially not the hate-watch reviews it was getting here a couple seasons ago.

Being nominated as best supporting actor for a show in which you get top-billing in seems like a very Tyrion-esque thing to happen to Dinklage.

I for one am looking forward to 2049's "Before 8 pm Bedtime at the Nursing Home".

I wasn't clear from the review whether calling it "Caterpillar" instead of "Centipede" was an intentional display of disinterest or a subconscious display of disinterest, but it works either way.

I think they would need to bring in Ed Helms to sub for Colbert, although it would only work if he never acknowledged he wasn't actually Stephen Colbert.

I'm kind of shocked that this is the first place "Cumberbatch" appears in the comments.

The specific novels it reminded me of were "Song of Fire and Ice" because of the point of view structure (although, yes, there's already a tv show about those).  But the Bluths and Lannisters have a lot in common.

When I lived in Holland, Michigan they had a cafe called "Til Midnight" that closed at 11pm.