
He already tries that, way too hard.

Aw, backstory! Fuck yeah!

Why'd you stop?

Yes, Don Imus does Steven Wright/Reservoir Dogs-style interludes on the soundtrack. Also, Dido covers 'Don, Aman.'

In short, a decent graffiti artist.

Doctors have advised that at his age he should watch his weight, can no longer chew scenery.

In whatstores now?

The movie-going public wasn't confused. I conclude that critics aren't people.

'Noah Hawley Wants More Money.'

"Hmm, let's see what these critics have chosen…"

Yours is a very cruel novelty account. Dry stuff.

Fugazi, Big Black, Stooges, 70s John Cale, Joy Division, and Minutemen.

O'Neal and Ignatiyi Vishkatinioviskakinoviczski are still good.

Toughened your nipples, didn't it?

I know, I wasn't doing your work for you. Just adding to the whiplash from the non sequiturs.

"Darren Aronofsky’s fraught take… could have been something of a classic. It had treatments written by the Wachowskis and Joss Whedon…"

I commented above, but it's not Don Quixote, it's 'The Man Who Killed Don Quixote,' a story based on the story.

I assume they mean the rights to Gilliam's take, which isn't actually Don Quixote, IIRC from Lost in La Mancha. It's about a stockbroker who goes back in time or somesuch.

Two men?! Too weird!!

Is that John Hamm? He looks fucking badass.