
Me too. It was beautifully staged and shot. The cuts were perfect. (I could have done without the dead climbing on the walls though… it seems too fantastic for ASOIAF). But yes, lately, they've been killing characters seemingly just to kill characters. However, I don't think non-book readers cared too much about

To be fair, he's a pretty badass septon.

Septon Meribald is what I've heard, but he could very well be Lord Tarly.

They seriously had everything to make Tower of Joy work. Even the changes were fine. Five (I think counted right) facing two is fine and not much different from seven facing three. I fucking hate needless dual-wielding (if you have Dawn, why fucking dual-wield?), but it was a finely shot and directed fight scene. The

I have been very critical of the last few seasons, but if they do justice to the Tower of Joy next week, most will be forgiven.

I agree with you completely. The whole Dornish plot is a mess, plotholes a plenty. They seem to have gone all viper, no grass. All violence, nudity, but no subtlety.

Well, the whole ordeal further reveals the priorities of the writers: Logical, intelligent, canonically accurate plotting < Gratuitously violent shots that are easily turned into GIFs

Not really. It's a perfect way to introduce new characters who are allegedly slated to show up this season. Furthermore, it fits better with Roose's statements in the scene before about uniting the North.

The show is trying WAY too hard to make Brienne badass. She fought and defeated the Hound. She presumably killed Stannis. Now, she saves Sansa. We know she's a badass, by now. Give these moments to other characters. I was actually hoping the Mormonts would show up and wreck the Boltons.

Yes, it is what you should do. It is what they did with Tywin. It worked wonderfully. It was what they should have done with Siddig. And fuck, Varma too if they liked her that much. What they should not do is have a character/group of characters nonsensically betray and murder their entire family in a feeble attempt

Well, there's rather specific references to the books in this review, ones which those who have not read the books would not get.

But according to Beinoff and Weiss, he's no match for Westeros's least favorite girl band, the Sand Snakes.

And I thought they couldn't fuck up Dorne anymore…