Special Chocolate

Yeah, it's gotta be Nelson. I wonder how that reveal will go? "None of you guys even remembered my birthday! Theo sent me a cake! With money in it!"

I thought the chair was rigged with explosives for a minute. I think I've been watching too much of The Americans.

I'm a wizard congress, I thought I made that clear.

Shelby is Drew Thompson. Jeez, when people first started saying this I thought it was the most crackpot theory ever. A week ago I still thought it was unlikely. I didn't realize I congress with wizards…

Hey everybody:

Well, he misjudged the stopping power of a rubber beanbag bullet. Understandable, since he doesn't use them.

I've got to admit, Preacher Billy dying so soon threw me for a huge loop.

I think she works better in small doses when they don't have to find something for her to do. Like, I dunno, stealing a bunch of money for no real reason.

I'm STILL sad about it. Such a huge part of my childhood.

"Hell, their dog's in the pound" will be my go to line for describing unsavory members of my community going forward.