scortius the charioteer

"horrible, horrible garbage people"

Would not surprise me at all if he's an infantilist.

God Arcade is the WORST. And so is Tucker Carlson

Oh this bow tied sack of shit…

Yeah my wife would go apeshit for that kitchen.

Kido is a fascinating character. He knows that peace on the show is a tenuous fiction at best. But he does all he can to maintain it. He's a ruthless monster too because only by being one will he be able to perform the job he is tasked with, and in a fascist regime, there is no opting out, as he and Smith both

wait til he starts shooting couples in cars that claim to be comedians getting coffee. ZING!

I dug the other 2, been a fan of El-P since Company Flow but man this one really puts it all together.

I managed to get my son into Weird Al, British Sea Power, The Pogues, TMBG and New Order just by playing them a lot in the car. But his favorite album is the original soundtrack to Gojira. he's 12.

Are we sure NPR music isn't putting this thing on?

I sent mine to Hardcastle and McCormick.

-The AV Club

Convince me on the Decemberists. They basically do nothing for me. I tend to lump them in with a ton of samey sounding stuff that came out of the northwest around the same time. Most of it middling at best.

Should always keep at least 2. One for putting on things the other for spraying directly into your mouth.

Yeah, I loved that game

COD 4 wasn't the first game to let you unlock abilities as you lvl online. Wolfenstein Enemy Territory did it 3 years before that.

Where Donald Glover makes Colt 45 the official malt liquor of the Empire.

yeah I mean Richard Adams also passed away and he was 96. So there's that. But then people who've done coke having heart issues later in life isn't exactly unheard of.

He's been rumored to be HIV positive for a long time now (don't know if there is any truth to that), and didn't get much press here in the States, after his arrest, but he was a really kind and generous guy who used his fame and money to make it better for the people who came after him, and to help whoever he could.

also starring Brendon Gleeson, Ewan Bremner and Sean Connery!