scortius the charioteer

How good is Lone Star? It might be one of my favorite movies ever made.

I brought my PENCIL

Antonio Sabato Jr!

Coming right after George Michael too, which is bothering me more the more I think about it.

Hard to top Miller's Crossing. I'll nominate Road to Perdition and the full cut of Once Upon a Time in America

"I don't. I know it plays very fast and loose with the actual facts but it's a hell of an entertaining film."

Once Upon A Time You White, Then You Ben Affleck

Jesus are those both horrendous.

What's your name four eyes?

I got a Sweet Christmas ugly Christmas Tee with Luke Cage on it!

yeah, he aint even union.

Yeah. Happy christivus. Even dikachu.

Fuck Train. Always. Who is it even for?

The guy from Train. Seriously fuck Train

This movie is fucking terrible. In so many ways.

Blast HardCheese!

Wait til he starts calling his subordinates by girls names

I think Rufus Sewell is doing some amazing work on this show. He's the standout member of this cast by a mile. He does so much with those expressive eyes of his, by turns emoting and then stifling his emotions.

Legion has made me fall for WoW all over again. This is the expansion I've been waiting for since WoTLK

Legion has made me fall for WoW all over again. This is the expansion I've been waiting for since WoTLK