
Cecil the Lion


I saw that preview before Age of Ultron and it made me feel sick just watching. Fuck that shit indeed.\

I think this would honestly be great.

Yea, that made me cringe (hate that term) so much while watching.

I like fun movies.

In what world do only "bros" like cars?

I agree with all of this (though I do like cars a lot). I hope it does feel a bit less scripted, since that was the only part of didn't like of the newer seasons.

Guess I'm the only one who doesn't give a fuck what the guy's political views are. I'm very excited that they're all back.

I think mine go

Very underrated episode. Dee calling him a fag TWICE just absolutely kills me.

I fucking love Victorino

Same. It's just perfect Sunny, and it's also early enough in the run that there's not a lot of running gags to get.

This isn't that related, but I LOVE the running gag of Dennis' Range Rover get more and more beat up as the show goes on. It's not even ever mentioned.

This is pretty great but I would have to have Dennis and Dee go on Welfare, and maybe The Gang Gets Trapped


The Gang Gets Whacked
Mac Kills His Dad
How Mac Got Fat


Those are all amazing. Some of my favorites

I couldn't say anyone but Sean William Scott with this screen name.