Mr Gerbik

But is it a banger?

It's highly unlikely Diane committed any crime. Both perjury and evidence tampering require mens rea, that is, an intent to the commit the prohibited act. If Diane simply picked up the evidence without interfering with it or knowing it to be false (which seemed to be the case), she would not have had the requisite

Probably better than being intimate to the accompaniment of Gorecki's Symphony No. 3. Or Mahler's Kindertotenlieder.

Very true. I grew up with many of these cartoons. Ms Cavanaugh was very talented.

He's playing a tuba only setting of Die Zauberflote. It's ambitious.

I think the counterpoint here is the Fatal Frame / Project Zero games.
Plotwise, they're pretty standard haunted house type deals with grim stories of sinister cults and sacrifices, etc. I don't recall any noticeable character development (but I may be being unfair). But I still found them extremely effective

I have a profound love of both the System Shock games and they are both excellent games, but I did have a problem with the infinitely respawning enemies. Quite apart from making revisiting areas a chore, it also took you out of the world and emphasised that you were playing a game.

I have no sympathy for heron addicts.

The Gorilla Boss actually appears in an episode of Batman: The Brave and The Bold, if I recall correctly. Alongside Gorilla Grodd and Monsieur Mallah.

The lyric in the song is 'Dread the passage of Jesus, for he does not return'. Which suggests riverentum should really be a form of reddo, but my Latin is rusty and I'm lazy, so I can't take the matter any further.

"Red Right Hand" seemed pretty omnipresent in TV and movies for a while there in the 90s, albeit IMDB suggests it wasn't really in that many things.

Time Jesum Transeuntum Et Non Riverentum.

Re the European sound, 16 Horsepower actually consisted of one American - David Eugene Edwards - and two Frenchmen - Jean-Yves Tola and Pascal Humbert. Apparently (i.e. Wikipedia told me), pre 16HP, the two Frenchmen were members of a long running French band called Passion Fodder.

I'm assuming that should be sexually explicit evidence. I'm having difficulty conceiving of the alternative…

Are you suggesting there is a form of wish fulfillment that doesn't involve bullywugs?

Can I direct your attention to Howling III: The
Marsupials? It features, for no obvious reason, a werewolf
called Jerboa Jerboa - after a kind of hopping mouse. So many

I think we probably just have to take that a bit of dramatic license - as Eli using his superpowers - rather than necessarily anything meaningful (although I may be proven wrong).

I think that's because THR is a bit more of a "grown up" album. I got into S-K as an angsty teen and one of the reasons I loved them was the immediacy of the music and the lyrics. When THR came out, I was 19 and I think a lot of it dealt with concerns I didn't really have then and it just didn't grab me in the same

I'm with you - I was disappointed. The Peter scene in particular just rang totally false for me, both in the preview and even here in some sort of context. I don't think you can be a successful politician and be that emotionally tone deaf. On the plus side, it might mean that they're writing off the whole vote