Gaius Maximus

Popping in three years late to point out that Illyria was the ancient Roman name for the region that is the former Yugoslavia today, which is, no doubt, what Shakespeare was referring to in Twelfth Night. For me, the Roman province is always the first thing that comes to mind when I hear Illyria, which made having a

I never liked this episode because I love Willow and I don't like seeing her being tortured. Also, I don't think Willow did anything wrong in killing Warren, so I don't think she deserves to be punished for it.
But it strikes me that even if you do think Willow was wrong, this episode is hypocritical. If it was not

Super late on this, but I was surprised not to see anyone else mention this. The thing I hate the most about the end of these two seasons is juxtaposition of where Willow and Cordelia are. Sweet, nerdy Willow is a broken husk of a person who nearly destroyed the world, while bitchy, popular Cordelia becomes a goddess.

The only thing wrong with what Willow did to Warren is that it wasn't slow or painful enough. It really bugs me that we have to sit through two whole episodes of flagellating Willow for it next season. Also, why don't any of the people who criticize her for killing Warren get on her case for killing Rack?

Good point about Amy, spicoli. I always hated that they brought her back just to make her evil. She was one of those tertiary characters the show used to do so well back in the high school years and really suffered from the lack of in the later seasons. I think it would have helped the show to have her around in a

Two Bad Episodes

I wouldn't call myself a hater, as W/T is definitely my favorite of Willow's relationships, in fact my favorite relationship in the Buffyverse after B/A, but I've always believed that Willow is bi. As JammerJim said, I would never presume to argue with a real person over her sexuality, but I don't think it's a

I was dumped by my fiancee a few days before this episode aired, so the montage really struck a chord with me. I think I must have watched it a few hundred times in the month or so after that. I still have a soft spot for "Goodbye to You" whenever I'm feeling melancholy, though I agree that the Buffy version is way

God, I hated Normal Again. Not so much for the last shot, which I think was explained by Buffy not having taken the antidote yet, (and the idea of the Buffyverse being all in her head was pretty much contradicted by the existence of AtS anyway), as for the massive retcon of Buffy having been put in an institution