mk ultra

I would have liked one female robot who wasn't a penis receptacle. Delores's faceless mom doesn't count.

I see the connection but for all his faults, Jimmy Fallon seems to have more and of a range than Pete Davidson.

I know I'm late to the party, but I can't get a handle on Piper. Are she and Red Velvet supposed be exemplars of "Power Corrupts"? Are we to believe that this season is Piper finally owning up to the last two seasons of people telling her she's a bad person and to stop pretending? Is this a coping mechanism/reaction

It was really great to see his power challenged by a woman that he can't punish with a midnight shivving.

I don't think Healey thinks he's good so much as he thinks women are bad. He elevates himself through the powerless inmates (Red eluded to that in her discussion with him). I think that makes him a pretty unforgivable person.

David Hyde-Pierce was type-casted as a human trafficker?

I think they wanted us to think he was very bad during season 1 without considering future seasons. They then spent the last two seasons trying to make him appear complicated, but how can anyone forget season 1? It's too late, and the more they try, the more annoying it is.

That totally makes sense. Piper was visible before and puts on underwear to feel visible again. Chang has never been visible, and thrived because of it. That's a really smart observation. Thanks!

I think it's because if you were raped in your butt, your butt would hurt. The phrase is suitable to use against homophobic people, as butt hurt is their greatest fear/fantasy. And we know Healey is homophobic, so the usage is rather appropriate.

Thank you.

Two questions:
1) Where is John's wolf in the book? Isn't it his one job to save John?
2) Do you think Littlefinger knows what kind of person Ramsay is?

Do we think Littlefinger knew what kind of person Ramsay was?

Your memory is too short. People were in a tizzy over the Reek torture scenes too. You couldn't read an article without people saying it was obscene and unnecessary.

1) Where was John's wolf? Doesn't the wolf have a spidey-sense for danger?
2) Arya as daredevil? She can take the old outfit.
3) Myrcella was poisoned 2 seconds ago. It takes a while to watch your daughter start bleeding out of her nose, get Bran, have Bran explain about the poison, then turn a boat around. Why do

I realize this is GofT, but in real life blond hair is recessive. Maternal or paternal it doesn't matter: if someone is a brunette, the kid will likely also be a brunette.

So I don't know if anyone posted this earlier, but based on how much the little nameless girl scratched her head, everyone is going to get lice, right? That should be interesting.

I have been obsessing over this question for 24 hours. Roose/Ramsay Bolton versus Melisandre/Stannis. I don't know which power couple I want to lose more at this point. What do you all think?