
AV Club coverage done altogether?

I love "Sober" and "San Diego".

He's not the worst part…

He's in it a fair amount. They made him a cop, which I was not a big fan of.

Jon Rudnitsky deserves to stick around for that Dirty Dancing bit alone.

Gosling's was on par.

Easy A

That last one is so awful

Creek > Endless Days

Is that your rankings?

Yeah. These new songs aren't that much of s departure from their slower jams. People just want barn burners.

I don't know. It really feels like a new direction for his solo work, and not a new BP album.

SA is fantastic but I really love AWITC. My favorite Bloc Party album — hands down.

This one has grown on me after a few listens. I really like "Virtue".

Just think — there's a group who really want to see her play Captain Marvel.

Maybe they can make a spinoff for the 6 people who also like her.

Jay, Jay, Jay.

Yeah — this and Leftovers are my favorite things on TV. The Leftovers at least received plenty of buzz for it's incredible second season.

Nate is a weaker character but he was the voice of reason in this episode. He said what I want to say which is Christina adds absolutely nothing to this series other than stupid drama.

The hate for Keith boggles my mind. Because about 40 minutes into it, I realized we hadn't seen him and that made me sad.