
One thing I noticed is the shot of Christina face down mirrored the shot of Ryan in the sauna.

I hope so. One, because I don't care for the character. But it would also have lasting repercussions for a bulk of our characters.


Wait, what??

They have a 5 season arc. It can continue.

Because people need to find as many reasons to tear apart something as they can. You know, between flipping burgers and stuff.


I actually thought it was an Amazon deal they struck.

I thought maybe it was my theater but it was hard to make out what was happening because there is very little light. It became tiresome to some incredibly tired when he saw it.

Those were his keys he went back for.

The recreational drug use on here boggles my mind as well. You think that would be a huge no-no if you're job depends on your body staying fresh and healthy.

What is this show doing with Lisa though? She's been pretty hard to take the bulk of the season, mainly because of her relationship with Alvey. As I've said before — he's only tolerable because Frank Grillo is incredible.

iTunes or Amazon. It's seriously a pretty great show.

Will this one be on Amazon this month?

I'm sure there are plenty of illegal streams of it. It's on iTunes as well if you don't mind paying for it.

I came in here to ask that because I have no experience with heroin either and he said he had never done it before.

I actually think Man in the Moon II is better but yeah, he has slipped hard.

It's the douche tone that really irks people. Myself included.

I'd love one but my question is — where would Rocky fit into a new one?

"No. I don't watch Wizards of Waverly Place. I'M AN ADULT!!!!!"