He's got quite the filmography. But I always, always think of him as dirtbag Deputy Pell from Mississippi Burning. Specifically, I always think of him in the barber chair getting smacked around by Gene Hackman. I just can't help it.
He's got quite the filmography. But I always, always think of him as dirtbag Deputy Pell from Mississippi Burning. Specifically, I always think of him in the barber chair getting smacked around by Gene Hackman. I just can't help it.
Yes, please do tell. Lazy minds want to know.
This whole thing was clearly an elaborate scheme to shame, degrade and humiliate Yo-Yo Ma. Oh America, why do you hate Asians and classical music?
Occasional hilarious-bad moments between long stretches of immense tedium. Not worth your irony-time.
I'm sure they have some kind of contingency in place. They're not idiots. Maybe vote totals for "America's favourite player" would be used as the tie-break.
This is absolutely right. And changing the ending is idiotic.
When I was much younger, my friends and I loved that movie — but we never watched it anywhere close to clean or sober. We brought our own fun, as it were. I shudder to imagine rewatching it now.
A "Canadien" show would be from Quebec. Which may or may not have Little Mosques, but certainly does not have prairies.
Morally, yes, it's almost if not equally as bad. And I'm wholly and cheerfully in favour of telling bigots to go fuck themselves.
A good decision would have been to discreetly avoid advertising on the show in the first place. No one would have ever noticed. Instead they've got themselves in a lose-lose situation. The fact that the particular version of "lose" they chose involved rolling over to a bunch of mouth-breathing, xenophobic bullies…
I can vividly remember the first time I stayed up late to watch an episode of SNL with my older brothers. It was the Buckwheat Gets Shot episode, so I must have been, like, 9 at the time. What the hell was I doing up so late?
That page is incomplete without a paragraph on Tinky. She (I don't know why I always think of Tinky as a she) was, weirdly, one of the first things that got me hooked on the comments section here.
Sorry to be that guy, but: Hearts of Darkness.
I think it would be fair to say that "it's not only the result of peer pressure." I think it's also fair to actually listen to the people who suffer from the disorder, instead of simply presuming you know better.
Top Gun 2: the Gun Is My Penis
A Fable is unreadable. Don't even bother. Charitably, you could chalk it up to wet-brain. Actually, I kind of find anything after Go Down Moses virtually unreadable, though God knows I plowed through it all in my heyday of Faulkner love.
Really? I'd say it's his best, probably. With Sound and the Fury getting my vote for most overrated, and the Fable for flat-out worst.
I'd vote for "Gourmet Night", if only for Basil assaulting his own car with a tree branch. "I'm going to give you a damn good thrashing!"
Another Fawlty Towers vote here. I hope it's turning into a plucky underdog. Come on, horrible abuse of a harmless spaniard, come on!
I got a thing about chickens.