
Do you mean 'é'? If so, it's Alt+0233 on a pc.

"…Daphne is the most unlikable, bitchy, and sanctimonious character on TV right now and it feels like I'm the only one who wants to see her get slapped down. "

I remember when I was in the hospital for pancreatitis and gall bladder removal, I barely went 10 minutes without someone coming into my room. Between the nurses, phlebotomists, resident Drs, my surgeon, dietary aides, transport staff, and housekeeping, there were people in and out constantly. There's no way there

I think I remember them saying it had been 6 months since the Woodberry survivors joined the prison camp. I could be wrong. So, ideally, Carl would be what? 12 at the oldest?

"Start with the fact that Tate's whole plan was apparently dependent on Marco being the Chihuahua state police detective who gets the case when he dumps the two bodies on the bridge at the start of the pilot."

Not necessary. This season's storyline is completely independent of the first two seasons and none of the Rosie Larsen story is referenced. You may want to watch maybe the last 2 or 3 episodes of S2 just as an "FYI" to reference in regards to where S3/E1 starts off with Linden and Holder, but that's it.

And what about the scene where Daphne came to invite Regina to lunch and when she offered to clean up the mess in the apartment, Regina just said "oh no, you're a guest"? Daphne's facial expression revealed the obvious gut-punch she must have felt in that moment.

An uptight, African-American roommate.

An uptight, African-American roommate.

During the Holder casino scene I turned to my boyfriend and said "you know what would be awesome? A Stephen Holder/Jesse Pinkman spin-off. That would be the #1 show on my DVR list!"

During the Holder casino scene I turned to my boyfriend and said "you know what would be awesome? A Stephen Holder/Jesse Pinkman spin-off. That would be the #1 show on my DVR list!"

This show would be so much better if they'd left Tess behind as zombie-bait. I cannot begin to express how intensely I dislike that character.

Vonda & Wysocki
Just a note WRT "Stray Observations": Wysocki is Vonda's uncle, not brother.
(Her deceased father - also a cop - was Wysocki's brother.)