
249 votes :D

if anyone has ever been to the Garage in Glasgow, you'll know the setup - a balcony over the top of the main floor. I saw WK in there from the balcony due to a dodgy ankle at the time. I've never seen one man and his band whip an entire floor into a circle pit for an entire gig. It's one of the most insane things I've

Joe and Lesnar need to rehash the Taker/Lesnar brawl from a few years back next week; have the entire roster down to keep them apart, just to set the playing field that Joe is a monster, Brock is a monster and this is going to be like a human version of Pacific Rim when they finally face off

The Nia Jax and Bayley match had a great little detail in it - when Baykey was out at ringside, a wee g irl was in the front row and leaning forward to see if Bayley was OK - Jax comes over and says "Watch her die" to the kid. Kid goes "Oh Bayley!" and they do the Jax missed charge into the ringpost spot in front of

Doubt it will happen now that ESPN seem to be playing nice with The WWE, but there's a gem of a documentary to be made about Vince McMahon himself. The amount of stories about his quirks and habits, combined with some tales from disgruntled former employees (Russo, anybody?) would make an amazing show

If you liked the Rumble and REALLY like dumb stats, I spent yesterday doing this with graph paper, coloured pens and lots of coffee. Some stats came out really bizarre; like of the 29 possible eliminations, 26 were done by Raw guys! tinyurl.com/RR2017Numbers

I like the idea here of Styles beating Cena at the Rumble, then losing the belt at the Elimination Chamber; then the rumour of Styles / Shane at Mania comes to fruition as Styles blames Shane for picking the Elimination Chamber match