
Afleck you the bomb in Phatoms yo!

Jimmy Fallon would be great if it weren't for Jimmy Fallon

I hope he write a long song about it

"but Pinkerton was better"

Why is Brent Spiner always so creepy in movies?

Everything I know about Mayans I learned from Mel Gibson..

I will see this based singularly on the fact that I enjoy watching shit get blown up/and or destroyed. Besides I'm curious how it will end…will they go with the Hollywood ending where Cusack finds some sort of cure for the end of the world or will the movie end with the total destruction of earth????


I thought he was a douche bag?

I heard it was that guy from that movie, you know…him

@lasto yeah Ron Mann directed it, it was called "Go Further" and it was terrible. I doubt I have ever hated a doc as much as that one. I once quoted something they say in the movie (about chocolate milk is like bloody or something so everyone should drink rice bark grass milk) and then was kindly informed that it

I heard of him first through Shellac. More specifically I heard "Prayer to God" and had never heard anything so abrasive and ..i dunno..mean in music before yet I couldn't get the lyrics out of my head. So Iwent n got a vinyl of 1000Hurts and from there got into Big Black. Didn't he write a piece on what happens

Yeah as soon as I saw the picture I remembered that scene with the angel wings and how awesome it was. Lame side note the kid with the crazy hand wears his asthma puffer around his neck and smokes weed with it. I thought this was so cool at the time I started wearing my puffer around my neck too!

I see what you did there…

Whoa! I never noticed that. I can't stop staring at them now, there like two hairy tractor beams.

Thats the S & M part of the movie the studio made Spike cut and re shoot cos it was too dark for the kids…

Yusef Islam, Of Montreal and Mike Patton doing "The Killing Moon"

I lift weights but I don't sweat, I go for a swim but I never get wet

Ghostface and a little Donoghy Estates will get any lady in the mood
