
I have looked at it in IE on 3 machines and there is nothing. This is odd considering that flash players show up on other sites I visit like twit.tv. But I found that if I follow the RSS link I can download from that page. I still won't be responsible for the violence that ensues.

Direct Download
Alright, would it hurt you guys to post a flash player and/or a direct download link to the show? Or are you assuming that we are all zombie Mac-fetishists who dream of blowing Steve Jobs? I refuse to install iTunes on any machine that I own. The mere thought of soiling my computer with that

Always fucking nuts
Mel Gibson has always been a nutbar. I remember hearing in the '80s that he lived on a farm, had something like 87 children, and would go on long diatribes during interviews about how God didn't want him to use a condom. Then his marriage broke up (of course) and he looked like a hypocritical

Buffy was mine for a long time
My wife started watching Buffy and for weeks I made fun of her. I would walk by and roll my eyes and say things like, "What the fuck is wrong with you?" Then, one night I was tired and had a couple of beers and thought, my wife wants to watch this…I shouldn't ask her to watch something

I went to a local elmentary school here and asked the kids what acronyms they really used while texting, and I got this list: