
late but
the two parts you cited are worst, are the best.

Miss Nelson is Missing

why does this site hate on sammi so hard
she is by far not the worst, and pretty damn cute at that

La La Brown
was murdered. America's Most Wanted ran a story on it recently

I don't care what anyone says
Those paintings are pretty cool

a woman reviewed this?
sure, ok.

that Roxbury sketch was legendary
some people actually like things


I watched this season in a marathon
without reading any of these reviews, and was surprised by what I saw. All the bullshit you've been nitpicking and is not anything I ever noticed. The most annoying thing to me was Tanya, who's a pathetic unlikable idiot, and the only thing you praised all season. I usually love

Flash Thompson
was a pretty big character in the Spider Man animated series. I support the character, don't know much about the actor.

the snowball fight was a hoot
you don't enjoy things

Meghan Fox
looks terrible

I did not mean to post this 3 times. I hope someone gets fired for this one.

Timy Daly error
I really hope someone got fired for that one

Timy Daly error
I really hope someone got fired for that one

Timy Daly error
I really hope someone got fired for that one

sorry, not fags. douchebags. SHIT DAN SAVAGE IS GOING TO KILL ME

you guys are fags

not quite the same thing.

Adam Sandler and Kevin James
are funny. Shut up. If you want to see shitty comedy, read Nathan Rabin