
Carly is great. One of the best pop stars around.

Nah, it's when people do good things but then make a point of bragging about the good things they've done all over social media/in person/wherever. Like if someone were to donate a bunch of money to something but then make a long Facebook post about how they were charitable.

Really? This song is such by the numbers stadium pop. Pure Heroine was minimalist and unique and exciting; this sounds like the worst song Carly Rae Jepsen's ever written.

Honestly, for as middling as the film was, the sound mixing in Hacksaw Ridge was stellar. It made the jarring shift from the relative peace of bootcamp to the genuine horrors of combat so startling that it wound up being the most compelling component of the whole film.

I really loved Jamie's noise set when I saw him open for Swans. The band is excellent when they're playing a full set, though—they used to close with a truly explosive cover of Frankie Teardrop, that was amazing.

Yup, they're definitely more aggressive than the originals. I like that energy, though; it really compliments the menace and deep sadness that runs through Badalamenti's compositions.

I started with Fabulous Muscles, but these days I think either this record or Always would probably be the best entry points. Really accessible and exciting noise pop.

Unlistenable is a strong word. It's certainly not their best, but it's still plenty interesting.

Oh absolutely. Jamie would almost certainly agree with you on that, too.

Blaspheme! Those covers are all truly exceptional.

I disagree, there are plenty of overwhelmingly dour rock groups that are great. I don't think a lack of fun is their problem.

Pit bull is fun as hell, though. Has absolutely zero pretenses of being anything other than that, too.

Maybe if he starts writing bad songs

That's literally the schtick of his FJM character tho. Been there since Fear Fun.

Yup. Breakups don't have to be the self-involved swamp that Tom makes them to be. If my last ex got engaged I'd be remiss if she didn't invite me to the party, I still love her as a person and would love to see her take that next step in her life.

If you think Summer is the villain of the story, I think you might be watching it wrong. Every decision she makes is completely justified and frankly pretty healthy; it's Tom, in his obsessive, toxic sense of entitlement that becomes nauseating on repeat views. He's a sad sack indie dude who wants the universe to

Yeah but "Perry King scrambles to get his agent on the phone" doesn't have the same mass appeal.

Pokemon is basically fantastical dogfighting.

Talking to folks involved with the techno scene out in Chicago, apparently ambient techno is out and gabber/other aggressive noisy stuff is in. But that could just be one little subculture's take.

To be fair, the fact that it's vaporware in music form is why it's called vaporwave.