
New Future of the Left was disappointing, yeah, but Falco's been on a downside for years. Same with Mogwai. New Radiohead is absolutely stunning though, definitely their best work since In Rainbows and maybe a top 3 in their discography.

But the production IS incredible. Absolutely one of the most lush and fleshed out sounded records to drop since…well, maybe Channel Orange.

It also deserves mention as one of the absolute best records of the year.

This sounds NOTHING like his last album.

They're definitely smarter than their material. A cursory listen to any of Waddy Jones's other project quickly reveals that (especially Constructus Corportation). Why they've decided to stick with this nonsense when literally everything else they've done is infinitely better is beyond me, though.

Maria's screams are so genuinely pained though. For me this really sort of reminded me "yeah, this show is funny, but also Maria's anguish is something very real for both the character and the actress."

Definitely think that Shia is more self-aware/deprecating than Franco tbh. A lot more interesting too.

Forget the naysayers. If you have an open mind about pop music, it's absolutely one of the best albums of the year. The production is stellar, the guest features are great, the hooks go on for days. It's certainly Beyonce's best album, and the only one I've loved start to finish so far.

What a vile and condescending attitude.

Where is all this "everyone hated this movie" nonsense coming from? It has an 87% on Rotten Tomatoes and a 72 on Metacritic. I've seen plenty of backlash here and in other little pockets of the internet, but it was far from a universally disliked film.

I definitely wouldn't call On Your Own, Song 2, Look Inside America or Country Sad Ballad Man or Death of a Party classics. Song 2 gets props for its energy and popularity but all in all it's a bit of a weak track.

I like Sam's Town a bunch, but it does feel a lot limper than Hot Fuss in a lot of ways.

Blur is…not a great record. Feels like their most filler-y and transitional record, especially since 13 blows it away in every way.

What a stellar season finale. I'm glad it was a bit lighter, because anything even APPROXIMATING the bleakness of the previous episode would have just absolutely broken me. As it was, I still ended up bawling at Diane and MPB's reconciliation and that incredibly powerful last scene. And how great was closing with

To provide a non cynical reaction to this—for artists I really love, I would be going CRAZY over seeing a "rarities and b-sides" show.

The Mountain Goats - Cobra Tattoo (Get Lonely)
Das Racist - People are Strange (Sit Down, Man)
Pink Floyd - Welcome to the Machine (Wish You Were Here)
The Hold Steady - Sweet Payne (Almost Killed Me)
Guided by Voices - Captain's Dead (Human Amusements at Hourly Rates)
The Birthday Party - Kiss Me Black (Junkyard)