
Yup, I'm hoping for Arya and Gendry to take the throne.  I realize that's a dark horse combo, but a girl can dream.

Okay, so then you're agreeing essentially that Cat made the potential marriage situation seem a lot worse than what it really was?  Not sure what exactly your point is.

I usually like Arya, but I found it amusing when she acted like she was really smart for realizing  that the Hound is scared of fire.  How ever did she put that together?  He only has a horrible burn scar that covers half of his face.

No, but there was a significant disparity between them and the one that Edmure married.  And even then, Catelyn made it seem like Robb was really screwed in having to promise his hand to her.

The guy who said that Edmure was a fool?

You ask too much, sir!

Yeah, considering the gene pool, perhaps it's for the best.

Thoughts from a newbie who digs spoilers and kinda knew what was coming: